After the huge success of Bhaagamathie, Akshay Kumar is back with another remake – Durgamati. This Tamil-Telugu remake was a big hit and earned Rs102.2 crores at the Box Office. This time around, he stars alongside Anushka Shetty and Bhumi Pednekar in the lead role. The story revolves around an IAS officer named Chanchal Chauhan, who becomes a victim of powerful forces. The film was originally titled Durgavati and the Telugu trailer was a rehash of the Telugu version, so we can expect some familiarity.
The film is based on the classic Bhaagamathie novel, and it is written and directed by Ashok G. The movie is produced by Bhushan Kumar, Vikram Malhotra, and T-Series. Bhumi Pednekar and Mahie Gill are among the many talented performers in the film. Other notable performers include Kartik Aryan, Jisshu Senga, and Tanye Abrol.
The film’s protagonist, Bhumi Pednekar, leads the film in a role that demonstrates the power of a female leader. Despite the female-led storyline, the film’s strong ideologies and bland storytelling style make it an uneven movie. However, this movie has its moments. Pednekar’s portrayal of a female IAS officer makes her an effective leader.
While the film is far from being as ambitious as Bhaagamathie, it is still a solid and entertaining Hindi remake. While the film does have a few scary sequences, it makes up for it by being more humourous than the entire Housefull films put together. We hope to see the sequel to Durgamati soon. If you haven’t seen it yet, check out the Amazon Original. It’s a lot better than the original.
Despite the impressive cast, Durgamati fails miserably in several departments. While the acting is impressive, the writing is bland and the editing style is uninspired. Chanchal’s attempt to keep the audience guessing leads to a series of gimmicky sequences. Bhumi’s performance as Durgamati is uninspiring and unexciting. A disappointing film, despite its good intentions.
The film is a remake of Bhaagamathie, another Ashok film. Chanchal Chauhan plays an IAS officer who is interrogated by the CBI. After the interrogation, Chanchal is imprisoned in a palace by the CBI. Meanwhile, her former boss Ishwar Prasad is interrogated to find out more about her. Sadly, this corrupt politician doesn’t seem to care about the lives of the people he served.